Dr. S. Jay Bowman practices at Kalamazoo Orthodontics with three locations in Portage, Kalamazoo, and Paw Paw, Michigan.

Monday, July 23, 2012
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
The Quick Fix Device
Dr. S. Jay Bowman's device, The Quick Fix, was the subject of a clinical research project undertaken by Dr. Sohayla Ibrahim at the Orthodontic Department at Mansoura University in Egypt. Her research was published by Ibrahim with her co-workers, Hafez, El Bialy, and Bowman as "Effects of the Quick Fix Appliance in the Correction of Pseudo-Class III Malocclusion" in the Journal of Clinical Orthodontics. The Quick Fix is a Phase I device designed to advance the upper incisors to specifically correct crossbites of the front teeth. It is primarily utilized in the mixed dentition (typically, the 7-10 year old age group) using a "2X4 set of upper braces."
The Quick Fix was initially introduced by Dr. Bowman in lectures at two American Association of Orthodontists Annual Sessions and later in the Journal of Clinical Orthodontics (42:691-697, 2008). Additional articles discussing this simple device and it's applications were published by Bowman in the November and December, 2010 Ortho Tribune, a posterboard presentation at the World Federation of Orthodontists in 2010, the German Kieferorthopadie Nachrichten publication in 2011, and also a piece in Orthodontic Practice US by Bowman and Moskowitz.
The Quick Fix, with it's associated Side Swipe auxiliary, are produced by American Orthodontics, Racine, WI.
The Quick Fix was initially introduced by Dr. Bowman in lectures at two American Association of Orthodontists Annual Sessions and later in the Journal of Clinical Orthodontics (42:691-697, 2008). Additional articles discussing this simple device and it's applications were published by Bowman in the November and December, 2010 Ortho Tribune, a posterboard presentation at the World Federation of Orthodontists in 2010, the German Kieferorthopadie Nachrichten publication in 2011, and also a piece in Orthodontic Practice US by Bowman and Moskowitz.
Please see Kalamazoo Orthodontics website for more information:
http://www.kalamazooorthodontics.com/Treatment-Innovations/Our-Innovations/Class-III-Solutions.aspx The Quick Fix, with it's associated Side Swipe auxiliary, are produced by American Orthodontics, Racine, WI.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Singapore Association of Orthodontists Annual Congress
Dr. Jay Bowman was invited to speak for the Singapore Association of Orthodontists Annual Congress held on February, 17, 2012. The President of the association, Dr. Arthur Lim, asked Jay to provide a full-day lecture on C4: Concepts and Controversies in Contemporary Clinical Orthodontics for the members of the organization. Previously, Jay had previously lectured in that region in 2006 for the Malaysian Association of Orthodontists in Kuala Lumpur.
Keynote Lecture for the Australian Orthodontic Congress
Dr. Jay Bowman was proud to have provided the keynote, opening address for the 23rd Australian Orthodontic Congress held in Perth. This keynote lecture, entitled, "Just Face It: Esthetics, Extraction, Expansion, and Early in Ortho," honored Arthur Thornton Taylor, the "Father" of the Australian Society of Orthodontists. This was Dr. Bowman's 5th invitation to speak for the ASO and, in addition, he was asked to provide 4 different lectures for this year's event. Besides the invites to the ASO, Jay lectured at the World Federation of Orthodontists in Sydney in 2010 and had also previously addressed the New Zealand Orthodontic Association in 2003.
Faculty of Seton Hill University Center for Orthodontics
Dr's Don and Dan Rinchuse invited Dr. Jay Bowman to join the faculty of Seton Hill University Center for Orthodontics as a Visiting Clinical Lecturer. The Seton Hill orthodontic residency program is located southeast of Pittsburgh in Greensburg, Pennsylvania. Dr. Bowman is also an Adjunct Associate Professor at Saint Louis University Center for Advanced Education in St. Louis, MO., an Assistant Clinical Professor at Case Western Reserve University Department of Orthodontics in Cleveland, OH, and just completed his 12th year teaching at The University of Michigan in Ann Arbor
Cover of the American Journal of Orthodontics
Kalamazoo Orthodontics is extremely proud to have had our lovely patient, Megan Macher, chosen to grace the cover of our specialty's primary journal, the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. This cover picture of Megan on the December 2011 issue was a unique and rare opportunity. Megan was treated using our own Butterfly System braces and she has a beautiful smile. It is certainly an honor to have our orthodontic results recognized.
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