DRASTIC PLASTIC: Enhancing the Predictability of Clear Aligners. 47th Moyers Symposium - The University of Michigan Craniofacial Growth Series. "Controversial Topics in Orthodontics: Can We Reach Consensus?" Vol. 57 p.219-253.
Dr. S. Jay Bowman practices at Kalamazoo Orthodontics with three locations in Portage, Kalamazoo, and Paw Paw, Michigan.

Monday, May 31, 2021
Saturday, May 29, 2021
Orthodontic Results Make Us Smile
Orthodontic Results Make Us Smile - both of us. www.kalamazooorthodontics.com.
Driver's License Photo after Braces
Driver's License Photo after Braces.
Natalie Torres was pleased to complete her orthodontic treatment at Kalamazoo Orthodontics just before her first Driver's License photo.
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Burger King
NEVER KNOW WHO YOU'LL SEE - at our Paw Paw office location. Dr. Bowman picked-up a quick lunch from Burger King and by coincidence our braces patient, Natalie Craft, was working the drive-thru. Of course with masks on, neither recognized the other, until she arrived for her appointment right after.
Paw Paw Office
Peaceful, easy early Summer morning just out the backdoor of our Paw Paw location. Then, in the afternoon, across the street from our office, plenty of lovely Mute Swans gliding on Maple Lake.
Friday, May 21, 2021
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
5 New Instruments
5 New Instruments just introduced into the "New" Crew, joining the originals, designed by Dr. Jay Bowman, in Hu-Friedy's Clear Collection for Clear Aligners.https://www.hu-friedy.com/Clear-collection
Monday, May 17, 2021
Connor Kolberg sports a winning Kalamazoo Orthodontics' Smile
Portage Central's Connor Kolberg sports a winning Kalamazoo Orthodontics' Smile. www.kalamazooorthodontics.com
Sunday, May 16, 2021
Saturday, May 15, 2021
Like watching Saturday morning cartoons? Dr. Adith Venugopal's daughter, Nirvana, watching Dr. Bowman's lecture webinars from the 12th Annual International Conference of ODOAN. KATHMANDU! Good fun this morning, participating with a webinar for the Orthodontic and Dentofacial Orthopedics Association of Nepal.
Friday, May 14, 2021
The KO Experience: Genuine, Energetic, Brightens My Day!
#KzooOrtho #EmbraceKalamazoo #KObraces #KalamazooSmiles #PortageOrthodontist#KalamazooOrthodontics #ButterflySystem #BracesAreBeautiful #whatmakesmesmile #KOExperience
#KOsmiles #PortageOrthodontist #KalamazooOrthodontics #InnovativeInvisalign #ButterflySystem #BestBracingTeam #GrinDetermination #Invisalign #PortageOrthodontics #DrJayBowman
Thursday, May 13, 2021
Some Orthodontic Treatment Begins Digitally
Some Orthodontic Treatment Begins Digitally. Digital scanning instead of impressions. Computerized treatment planning using digital photographs and models. However, it is most important to remember that ultimately, it is still the in-person experience with your orthodontist that determines the quality of your smile. www.kalamazooorthodontics.com
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Braces Today Kept Apples Away . . . Not Anymore!
Kayla Pallas loves her new smile and was thrilled to be able to bite into apples once again. www.kalamazooorthodontics.com
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Monday, May 10, 2021
Saturday, May 8, 2021
FROM KALAMAZOO to KATHMANDU! I am speaking for the Orthodontic & Dentofacial Orthopedic Association of Nepal on Saturday May 15 at 7:00 AM EDT(dang, that's early!) - (that's 4:45 PM Nepal Time) on the topic of "Improving the Predictability of Clear Aligners." May 15 is also World Orthodontic Health Day.
Register here: https://forms.gle/uqpNBzkqU16qhGBZ7Friday, May 7, 2021
Thursday, May 6, 2021
Classic Article
Tuesday, May 4, 2021
Yoda Shoes
Super Mario @ Kalamazoo Orthodontics