Saturday, August 10, 2013

Kind Comments from a Professor

Thank you to one of my former professors and mentors, Dr. Ernie Taeger, from my time in orthodontic residency at Saint Louis University - Department of Orthodontics for some very kind comments.  I really appreciate your encouragement, Dr. Taeger, along with your friendship, your leadership and integrity in orthodontics, but most of all for your profound influence on my professional development.
After just finishing my 31st year teaching at CADE, I am thrilled to see you at the forefront representing our department in a most excellent way! I congratulate you on your intellectual prowess demonstrated consistently in your lectures over and over again as you have traveled everywhere except the North and South Poles. You have been following Lysle's footsteps in insisting on "truth" instead of "political correctness", the latter we see inundating and creeping into the "scientific discussions" of current orthodontic trends. Jay, people will not necessarily remember all of your professional accomplishments, but they will remember what you share with them, especially if it is "true" - factual, accurate, and reproducible.
So I salute you in your ongoing quest to share your experiences with others around the world - truthfully. I am proud of what you are doing! Keep up the good work!"

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