Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Ms. Galaxy - Orthodontist

Dr. Corinne Devin - Ms. Galaxy 2014, Miss United States 2012
Orthodontist, United States Navy

"Dr. Bowman is a wonderful and engaging speaker dedicated to improving and growing the orthodontics field." [from]

During Corinne's orthodontic training at the Tri-Service Orthodontic Residency Program in San Antonino, she contributed an excellent Master's Thesis entitled, "A CHALLENGE TO CLASSICAL FACIAL PROPORTIONALITY STUDIES: CONVENTIONAL PROFILE & 3D PHOTOGRAPHY VERSUS SILHOUETTES."

She is completing her tour of duty in Japan and will eventually heading back to the U.S. to enter private practice of orthodontics.

1 comment:

  1. Jay! I think you may need a new partner in your practice...
