The 2nd publication from Kalamazoo Orthodontics - Dr. Jay Bowman's clinical research on the effects of vibration on tooth movement appeared in the November issue of the Journal of Clinical Orthodontics. This study involved our entire KO Team and required over 4 years of work with special thanks to Paige Calkins Easley for her organization during this detailed process. JCO - Journal of Clinical Orthodontics: The next article from the current issue explores the effect of vibration on molar distalization with 60 patients divided into experimental and control groups: The Effect of Vibration on Molar Distalization - Journal of Clinical Orthodontics Interest in vibration as a method of stimulating orthodontic tooth movement spans more than three decades. In 1979, Shapiro and colleagues published a report describing the use of pulsating piezoelectricity to stimulate movement in a single subject.1 Krishtab and colleagues reported a 150-200% incre... JCO-ONLINE.COM

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